Fork Collapse Repair via Homologous Recombination
This animation is part of a review: Helleday T, Lo J, van Gent DC, Engelward BP. DNA double-strand break repair: From mechanistic understanding to cancer treatment. DNA Repair. (14 Mar 2007)
This animation is part of a review: Helleday T, Lo J, van Gent DC, Engelward BP. DNA double-strand break repair: From mechanistic understanding to cancer treatment. DNA Repair. (14 Mar 2007)
Animation published in DNA Repair: Helleday T, Lo J, van Gent DC, Engelward BP. DNA double-strand break repair: From mechanistic understanding to cancer treatment. DNA Repair. (14 Mar 2007)
Animation published in DNA Repair: Helleday T, Lo J, van Gent DC, Engelward BP. DNA double-strand break repair: From mechanistic understanding to cancer treatment. DNA Repair. (14 Mar 2007)
Animation published in DNA Repair: Helleday T, Lo J, van Gent DC, Engelward BP. DNA double-strand break repair: From mechanistic understanding to cancer treatment. DNA Repair. (14 Mar 2007)
Bevin P. Engelward, Sc.D.
Director, MIT Superfund Research Program
Professor of Biological Engineering
Department of Biological Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mailing Address:
MIT 16-743
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone and Fax: 617-258-0260
Fax: 617-258-0499